In Case of Emergencies – ICE
Sometimes accidents or other emergencies happen. Fast action is critical. All too often, emergency service personnel have no way of knowing whom to contact – until now. By entering the acronym ICE – In Case of Emergency – into your cell phone address book, you can make your emergency contact easily available. This concept was first conceived by a paramedic in England who realized that, while most people today carry cell phones few, if any, have emergency information available in a readily accessible format.
To be most effective, remember to let your ICE contact know that he or she has been identified and ask them if they agree to serve in this regard. Make sure that your ICE contact has vital information about you, such as a list of the medications you are on and those to which you are allergic. Another thing to consider is the telephone number to include for your ICE contact. Your contact may be at home or at work at the time of the emergency. Perhaps a cell phone number may be a better choice.
In addition to programing your ICE contact into your cell phone, you should carry other emergency information in your wallet, purse or bag so that it is always with you. The vital information includes: your identity (name and address), medical conditions, medications, next of kin or a list of people who should be contacted on your behalf (this may include a family member, employer, neighbor, primary care physician) and any other information that would be important to emergency responders.
Help all of the members of your family enter ICE contact information into their cell phones. If you have a family member that is less than eighteen (18) years of age, be sure that he or she names a parent or guardian as their ICE contact.
By entering an ICE contact into your cell phone, you will help rescue services personnel quickly contact a friend or relative – which could be vital in a life or death situation. Before reading any further, or becoming involved in a new project, find your cell phone NOW and GET “ICE”d.