Helping Our Loved Ones Manage Medication

Helping Our Loved Ones Manage Medication

As our loved ones age, their ability to manage their medication may be compromised – by age, illness, poor memory, failing eyesight or otherwise.   The greater the number of medications, the higher the likelihood that they may become overwhelmed or make mistakes. These mistakes can be life-threatening. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, medication non-adherence...

Special Needs Planning – For the Future of your Child or Loved One

Special Needs Planning – For the Future of your Child or Loved One

A large segment of our population is disabled, either physically, intellectually, cognitively, emotionally or psychologically. In a study reported in 2007 by the National Organization on Disability it was estimated that more than 54 million Americans, nearly one in five of us, are disabled. Generally, “special needs planning” is estate planning for the benefit of...

Making Your Estate Plan Work For You

Making Your Estate Plan Work For You

Having properly executed estate planning documents, such as a Will, Trust, Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy or Living Will, is an essential step in the process of estate planning. Many people think that their work is done once the documents are signed. However, an estate plan can only be effective if it is properly...

Managed Long Term Care — New Horizon for Medicaid Home Care

Managed Long Term Care — New Horizon for Medicaid Home Care

The Medicaid Redesign Team was established by Governor Cuomo to work cooperatively and reform the Medicaid system in New York to improve health outcomes and control costs. The recommendations of the Redesign Team that were approved by the Legislature, as part of the enacted budget, are now being implemented. One of the most important initiatives...

Thinking Ahead: Senior Living Arrangements

Thinking Ahead: Senior Living Arrangements

We recently participated in an elder care meeting at which one of the speakers quipped: “Be kind to your children, they will select your nursing home!” While it was intended as dark humor, it can also serve as a call to action. We won’t avoid the aging process. We may as well resign ourselves to...

Signing Nursing Home Admission Agreements

Signing Nursing Home Admission Agreements

When a loved one is admitted to a nursing home, in addition to helping your loved one accept the changes that have occasioned the move and managing the details involved in the move, you are often requested, by the nursing home, to sign documentation. Nursing home admission agreements can be complicated and confusing. What do...

What Is Includable In Your Estate?

What Is Includable In Your Estate?

Most of us have heard the expression: “Nothing is certain in life but death and taxes.” For some of us, taxes may be owed even after death. Depending on the size of your estate, estate taxes, state and/or federal, may be due. To determine your potential estate tax liability, it is important to understand the...

Estate Planning – Essential at Any Age

Estate Planning – Essential at Any Age

Most people incorrectly believe that estate planning is important only after you have reached a certain age or acquired some wealth. This is not the case. At Berwitz & DiTata LLP, we like to think of estate planning as “lifetime planning” and believe that it is important for all of us who have reached the...

Retirement Planning Myths

Retirement Planning Myths

Websites and publications geared towards those contemplating retirement ply their readers with articles on the “do’s and dont’s” of retirement planning. Even so, trying to formulate the right retirement strategy can be mind-boggling! Here are some common retirement planning myths: “As I near retirement, investments should be more conservative.” Americans are living longer. In fact,...