The Benefits of Using Your IRA to Make Charitable Contributions

The Benefits of Using Your IRA to Make Charitable Contributions

In the last edition of our newsletter, we discussed the anticipated changes relating to IRAs and other qualified retirement accounts. Since that newsletter issued, nothing much has changed. The House of Representatives passed the SECURE Act and the Senate version, RESA, still has not been the subject of a vote. While it is anticipated that...

A Home for Sunshine

A Home for Sunshine

Sunshine is a beautiful, brown and white, 12 year old long-haired Dachshund.  She loves people, children and other dogs.  Sunshine’s owner is a client of ours.  Unfortunately, Sunshine’s owner can no longer remain at home.  Her chief concern was not for herself but for Sunshine, who had always lived in a loving home.  Her greatest...

When Should My Estate Plan Be Reviewed?

When Should My Estate Plan Be Reviewed?

There is no question but that our best plans are affected by the passage of time. As we move through life’s stages, we experience change. We may marry or divorce, move to another state or county, change jobs or careers, have children or grandchildren. Sometimes the people we feel closest to move away or, for...

Why Your Estate Plan Should Include Digital Assets

Why Your Estate Plan Should Include Digital Assets

Many of us have digital lives. We use the internet regularly and have come to rely on it. It seems that almost everything is available at a mouse click. But as more of our personal and financial data is stored online, it is important to consider who will have access to all of our digital...

Aretha Franklin Had No Respect

Aretha Franklin Had No Respect

Franklin was rumored to have been an extremely private person who insisted on being paid, in cash, prior to performing. She amassed a fortune during her lifetime and her estate will continue to generate income from royalties and the use of her image. Her business acumen was reflected in the fact that, from very early...

Speaking with Your Adult Children About Your Retirement

Speaking with Your Adult Children About Your Retirement

Seniors who have been looking forward to a change in lifestyle or a move upon retirement may want to think about how this change may impact their loved ones. A discussion about retirement may be uncomfortable for parents. Some do not discuss the details of their finances with their children while others share information freely...

The Business Side of a Second Marriage

The Business Side of a Second Marriage

A new marriage often presents an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to move forward in life. Before your wedding celebration, however, there are many important things to consider if you are going to make the transition a smooth one. Are you combining households? Are you moving to a new space or is one...

Finding Relatives Through DNA Testing: Adoption and Inheritance Rights

Finding Relatives Through DNA Testing: Adoption and Inheritance Rights

The recent popularity of DNA testing kits makes it possible to find relatives we never knew existed. Children who were given up for adoption, or “adopted out,” are now discovering siblings and half-siblings. They are finding parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins to whom they are biologically related. Apart from all of the other issues...

Mediation in Surrogate’s Court and Elder Law Matters

Mediation in Surrogate’s Court and Elder Law Matters

Mediation is a dynamic, structured, interactive form of alternative dispute resolution used to resolve a broad range of conflicts in a variety of settings. It is particularly well suited to the resolution of conflicts among and between family members. It is a process by which an impartial third party facilitates communication and negotiation and promotes...

Title Matters For Joint Tenants and Tenants-in-Common

Title Matters For Joint Tenants and Tenants-in-Common

Do you know what type of account you opened when you and your spouse opened an account jointly? What about the account you own with your child? When was the last time you looked at your deed? Did you and your spouse buy your home before you were married? When was the last time you...